Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Get this Hood Off

Today started off bright and early for us. After a night of no sleep we were both very tired. For some reason last night you did not sleep well. Your dad and I tried everything to get you back to sleep. We even tried old reliable, bringing you to bed with us. This use to work wonders. You loved sleeping in bed with us, but not anymore. I think there is not enough room for you to get comfortable. You just rolled around the whole time. After about 30 minutes of you rolling into your Dad and I, I decided that it was time for you to go back to your own bed. I don’t remember what time this was but I know that it was late. After that you seemed to sleep for a while. Then around 7 you woke-up and you were ready to get out of your crib. We just had to set the clocks back an hour so I am going to blame your not sleeping well and your waking up early on the time change. Darn this time change! We had to get up early this morning anyway because I had to go work. I baby-sit for Larry and Shauna ever once in awhile. They have two kids Jenna, who is 5, and Max, who is 2, they love playing with you. Max tells his Mom that babies are cute like baby Owen. I think that you have a fun time with them too. It is good for you to be around older kids since you will never have an older sibling. I was so thankful you took a nap today!! The last few times I baby-sat you decided that you didn’t need a nap so you went all day with only a morning nap. That is hard on both of us! By the time we get home I need to be making dinner but end up holding you so you won’t cry. These are the days that I watch the door and wait for your dad to come home and play with you. It was not a long nap, only about an hour, but that is better than nothing. After working we had to go grocery shopping. We shop at the new super center Wal-mart. I never went to this Wal-mart before because I thought that it was scary but now I think it is great. It really is true it is a one stop shopping place. You do pretty well shopping but towards the end you are ready to be done. About this time I usually have to give you a snack to finish up. I found a snack that you love, called Puffs. The only problem is that I have to buy a new container every time I shop. Luckily they have a few different flavors. Right now we have three different kinds at home but you love them so who cares. Next time I will remember to bring some in the diaper bag so I will not have to buy another one, we are running out of room.


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