Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Weekend Update

We have had a busy few days lately so I have not had a lot of time to write. I have decided that I am no longer going to write everyday. Instead I am going to write at the end of every week. I started running out of things to write since every day is about the same. So now I have a lot to write about.

To start with Wednesday night was a very hard night for all three of us. It started about 10 pm. I heard you start to wake-up so I went upstairs. I thought that I would just feed you and you would go back to sleep. That is not what happened. You started crying really hard and would not stop. I tried everything. I tried to feed you and you would not even eat. Nothing seemed to make you stop crying. Finally I changed your diaper and after that you decided to eat a little. This calmed you down for a little while. After you fell back to sleep you only slept for about an hour and then it was back to crying. I thought maybe your tooth was hurting so I gave you some tylenol. That didn’t help either. You kept crying and crying. I could tell that you were really in pain but I didn’t know what to do for you. I thought maybe it would help if we went downstairs and slept on the couch, this use to work when you were little, it worked for about 30 minutes. After that we moved to floor and we slept there for about another 30 minutes. You started crying really hard again and nothing was helping so I started crying too. I thought it was time to take you to your dad so I could have a break and stop crying. You went downstairs again and we turned on “Finding Nemo”, you seem to like this movie. You were doing better so I left and went to Wal mart at two in the morning to get some baby ibuprofen. When I got home you were asleep on your dad’s chest. I wanted to just leave you there but since we have a small couch your dad decided he could not sleep there with you all night. We woke you up and took you back upstairs. I gave you some ibuprofen, fed you again, and put you back in your bed. By the time your dad and I fell asleep it was 3:30 am. At 6:30 your dad’s alarm clock went off and at 7 you were awake and ready to get out of bed. When I looked in your mouth to see how your tooth was doing I noticed that you had gotten another tooth on the bottom. I called the doctor to see what I could do to make you feel better. She told me that it sounded like your molars were coming down. She told me that a lot of the time when molars come down you can get the same symptoms as a cold. You had been coughing and had a runny nose all week so I thought you just had a cold but maybe you were getting you molars. She told me some things to get to help you so I went to Walgreens and got some more medicine for you.

Your Nana and Papa got here on Thursday and then Friday we all went over to the coast for well needed vacation time. I was a little scared that you would not sleep while we were over there but you did pretty well. Friday night you had to sleep in our bed with us but Saturday night you slept all night in your bed. We had a lot of fun at the ocean. It rained the whole time we were there so we didn’t get to go down to the water and play in the sand. I am looking forward to going back over there in the summer so we can all play in the water and sand together. Saturday morning while we were in the condo you were doing your usual crawling on your tummy, then I noticed that you were trying to crawl on your hands and knees. I watched you for a little while and you started crawling under the table. You really picked it up fast. The rest of the day you were crawling all a round the condo and getting into everything. It was pretty cool to be able to see you learn how to crawl. Your dad and I were hoping that you would learn how by Thanksgiving and you did!
We went out to dinner on Saturday night and you did so well. You loved eating my french fries and your Nana’s rice. You wanted to eat our food more then you wanted to eat your baby food. I think that you got really full and that is why you slept so well that night. I need to find more foods that you can feed to yourself, I think you like it better than me feeding it to you. We woke-up early Sunday morning and watched the ocean for awhile and then came back home. You slept the whole way home in the car and slept much better that night too. I think that you are starting to feel better. I’m not really looking forward to when your molars break through but at least I will know what to do to help you.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The bath is Fun!

Today we went and saw Rob and Betsy’s new baby Abby. As you can see she she has the same name as me. That is because her parents liked my name so much they named her after me. She is so cute!! I was wondering how you would do with me holding another baby but you did fine. You were pretty interested in what she was. I brought her down to your level and you looked at her and tried to touch her. I didn’t want you to hurt her, so I only let you touch her when I was not holding her because I wanted to hold your hand. Abby’s older sister Elly, who I use to nanny, had a baby doll on the floor. You have never seen a doll before so you enjoyed playing with it. I think you played with it the whole time we were there. You were pretty gentle with it, you didn’t try to poke its eyes out or anything, so that was a good sign of how you might be with a sibling. Elly was sleeping when we got there and when she woke up she was a little cranky, so you didn’t get to play with her much. Last time we went there you had so much fun playing with her. You do really well playing with older kids, I hope it’s something you will continue to do. We stayed there for about an hour and a half and then headed home. On the way home you were pretty grouchy in the car and that continued when we got home. We played on the floor for a little while and then you had some dinner.
When I was pregnant with you I played this game at one of my showers. You had to smell different baby foods and try to guess what they were. With my great sense of smell, because of pregnancy, I was able to guess all of them correctly. One of them though made me sick, peas. So I told myself that I was not going to feed you them because they smelled so gross. I waited awhile before I feed them to you, and now they are one of your favorites. Lucky for me they don’t make me sick anymore. So for dinner you had peas and some apricots. You ate a lot for dinner I guess you must have been hungry and maybe that was why you were getting grumpy. After dinner we played some more on the floor, mostly you wanted be to hold you. So I held you on my lap and we watched some TV. Around 7 pm we went up and I gave you a bath. You are so crazy in the bath now I can’t help but laugh at you the whole time. You got me soaked tonight. You were taking the washcloth, with both hands, and throwing it into the water. You thought it was pretty funny too because the whole time you were doing it you were laughing. I remember the first time we gave you a bath at home. You screamed and cried the whole time. You really did not like baths then. Now you scream and cry when we take you out of the bath. You also tried to crawl in the tub tonight too but found that it is a little hard to do. Now that you are such a wild man in the tub it makes it kind of hard to wash you. I can see now that it will only get worse. Pretty soon you will be trying to standup in the tub and walk around. That will be scary!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Start your engines, Get set, GO!

You are really starting to get crawling down. It started last night and then all day today you were crawling around the house. You still are not very good at it and it takes you a while to get where you want to go, but you can crawl. You are so funny because you get up on all fours and then up on your toes. From there you try to crawl. Then it’s back to all fours so you can take a few steps and then rest on your tummy. I just know in the next few days you are going to get the hang of it. You also said a new word today. You tried to bite me and I said “no biting” you looked at me and started saying “no.no.no”. I couldn’t believe it. Then when you were sitting in your highchair you looked at me and said “mama,mama”. You have said moma before but it was not as clear as it was today. It was almost as if you were calling out to me because you couldn’t see me. So now you can say three words; mama, dada, and no. Only a matter of time before you will be speaking full sentences, yeah right.
You were so funny in the bath tonight too. You love the bath. You get so excited when we walk into the bathroom. You start saying “ba,ba,ba” and I think that means bath but I am not sure. You were crazy tonight though. You were splashing, kicking your feet and trying to throw yourself backwards. At one point you got so out of control that you bonked your head on the tub. I thought you were going to start crying but instead you started laughing, so your dad and I started laughing too. I hope that you like the water as much as you do now so next summer we can all go swimming. We are going to have to get you a new kiddy pool for summer. We use to have one put it got left outside and got wrecked. We will have so much fun next summer. You will be old enough to go to the zoo and play in the pool. You played in the pool a little bit this summer but you were not sure you liked it. I think you didn’t like how cold the water was. Maybe next summer we will have to heat the water up for you.
This winter will also be fun for you. I hope that it snows in Idaho so you can play in your first snow. You probably will not like it because you don’t seem to like cold things but maybe you will. It will also be your first Christmas, yeah!!!! I bet you will get lots of toys! We are going to have to get a bigger house for all your stuff. Someday we will have a bigger place but for now this tiny little apartment is home.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


Today is Sunday and a day for family. Although we did not do much we were all home together and enjoyed the day. You slept in until 9 am which was really nice since your dad and I both were up late. Even though your dad needed to get early and study today we let me sleep in and he brought you downstairs to play. I could hear you laughing while I was lying in bed. You have to best little laugh I love it. Every time I hear you laugh it makes me laugh. You laugh at a lot of things so that means we laugh a lot together. You are starting to get better, I think it is going to be gone in a few more days. You still look like you don’t feel great. I can always tell how you feel by looking at your eyes. If you are tired, sad, or under the weather your eyes tell it all. I can hear you upstairs right now starting to wake-up to be feed. I love to feed you and hold you at night. My favorite is after I am done feeding you I pick you up and you put your head down on my shoulder and fall asleep. Some nights I lay there for awhile and let you sleep. It is the best feeling ever. I can’t wait for the day when you can run up to me, through your arms around me and give me a big hug. Sometimes I try to make you give me hugs now but it is not the same. You use to love to give kisses but lately you have been to interested in everything going on around you that you don’t have time for kisses. We still kiss you all the time.
Tonight we were all in the living room together and you were down on the ground. You have been trying to crawl but haven’t got it down completely. Mostly you scoot or roll. You are good at getting where you want to be. Tonight though you crawled for the first time. It was a little funny looking but it was crawling. We tried to videotape it but you didn’t do it as well as the first time. I think the problem was because you were already where you wanted to be, at the toy box, and we took you away from it. Sometimes you throw little fits when you get something taken away from you that you like. The first time you ever did this was once when you had the TV controller. I wanted to change the channel so I took it from you. You started screaming and reaching for the controller. When I finally gave it back to you, you stopped. The next time was even sadder because you put your head down on your chest and started to cry. I didn’t give in this time because it was my cell phone that you had and I didn’t want you to wreck it. So I had to try and entertain you with other toys, like the controller.
You did another cute thing tonight. Your dad had put you on the footstool and was telling you to make it rock. You started moving your hips and got it to rocking. You thought this was pretty fun because when he took you off you wanted back on. This time when he put you on it you really started rocking, you had a huge smile on your face the whole time. We also video taped this, so one day you can watch it and probably think to yourself “why did they tape this”. Well the answer is because you are so darn cute and we think everything you do is cute. We love you little pumpkin face.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

It’s Sir Elton John to You

Okay to start off with I am not going to lie. Today is the 6th but I am going to pretend it is the 5th. I would have written this last night after the movie but your dad said it was to late and made me go to bed. So now it is Sunday morning. I’m sure this will not be the first time this happens. So remember we are pretending it is Saturday.
The day started off like every day. We watched some cartoons on TV for a while and then came downstairs for some breakfast. I think you are starting to feel better. You still have a runny nose but you don’t seem to be coughing or sneezing as much. I really wish that you knew how to blow your nose. I think you would be much happier at night and through the day. I try to suck your nose with one of the nose suckers but they don’t work as well. You also hate it! When you see it coming towards your nose you start screaming and you won’t let me put it up your nose. Every time I try you turn your head the other way. If only you knew that it would make you feel better, but to you I think you think that I am trying to suck your brains out. I have never tried one of these on myself but I am sure that it doesn’t feel all that well. Maybe I should try it, no I’ll leave it to you.
We didn’t do a lot today. Actually we never even left the house. Your dad had to go to the school today and do some paperwork and a little bit of studying, so we didn’t get to play with him most of the day. It was probably a good thing we stayed in since you are sick and we will be going to the cost on Friday. Your Nana and Papa are coming on Thursday and then we will head over to Seaside, Oregon for the weekend. I am excited for a little vacation.
I watched a very scary movie tonight with your dad, Dave, and Amerest. It was called “Saw”. I hope that you never watch something like this. I’m sure one day you will and maybe you will even watch this same movie. It will probably not be scary to you by that time. I’m sure there will be much scarier movies when you are older. Anyway this was a freaky movie and it made me think about what I would do if anything ever happened to you. I would do anything so you would not be hurt, even if it meant having to hurt someone els. It is crazy ever since I had you I can not watch things about kids getting hurt It just breaks my heart to think that something like that could happen to you. This is going to be a really cheesy line but just so you know I would Die for you if I had to, enough said.

Friday, November 04, 2005

7 Teeth and Counting.

Last night was one of the hardest nights we have had since you were a newborn. I think your dad and I got about 2 hours of sleep all night. I knew you were not feeling very well. Usually when you don’t feel good we give you some medicine and you do fine through the night. This did not work last night. I could not figure out what was wrong. It seemed like nothing made you feel better. We gave you medicine, I fed you, we brought you to bed with us, I held you, nothing was working. Around 8 am I gave up and came downstairs with you so you could play on the floor. I was so tired! I could not wait until you took your nap so that I could sleep too. Lucky for me you took a 2 hour nap. 2 hours has never felt so good to sleep. After our nap we brushed our teeth and came back downstairs to play. Most of our days are spent downstairs, the only reason we go upstairs is to sleep or change your diaper. We watched some Tv and had lunch, since it was 2:30 when we finally woke-up. You had a pretty hard day since you were not feeling well. You wanted to be held almost all day. I didn’t mind this because I know one of these days you are not going to want to be held by me. It was so sad today knowing that you felt so crappie. You had a runny nose, cough, and you were sneezing. I must say though you have a pretty cute little sneeze.
After I feed you dinner I was playing with you one the floor and noticed that you had another tooth. I think this explains why last night was so hard. It most have came through last night while you were sleeping (I mean not sleeping) because this is the first time I have noticed it. What a tough little boy. A cold and a tooth at the same time. I am hoping that tonight will be a little easier on all of us. We could all use a good night of sleep. You have already woken-up two times in 3 hours. We gave you a cup of juice because you seem really thirsty. You loved it! You drank 4 oz and then I gave you some milk too. I hope this will help hold you through the night.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

I Love it When Things are Clean

We didn’t have that busy of a day today. The house was a mess so I decided that we needed to do a little cleaning. I am hoping that you will be like your dad and not like things messy, then you will clean up after yourself. I can dream. While I was brushing my teeth this morning you were looking at me like you really wanted to brush your teeth too. I gave you a toothbrush and you loved it. It helped entertain you the rest of the time I was getting ready. I thought that I better buy you your own toothbrush so we can start early on cleaning your teeth. I am also hoping that you will have your dad’s teeth and not mine.
You took a two hour nap today. I put you to bed around 11 am, this is the same time your dad came home for lunch. He was so disappointed that you were asleep when he got home. He wanted to play with you since he hasn’t seen you much lately. yesterday when he came home you were not asleep yet but you were in your crib, I knew he wanted to see you so I let him get you out. I didn’t let him do this today because you were really tired and you were already asleep. You slept almost the whole time your dad was home. You woke-up right before he left so he was able to give you a hug and kiss before he went back to school.
We had to run to Wal-mart again today to return a wireless card we got that did not work. We were not there long so I didn’t have to buy any more puffs. I did buy a humidifier for your room. I am hoping that it will help you sleep at night. I wasn’t planing on it setting the fire alarm off in your room though. I was sitting downstairs and I heard it go off. I ran up to your room thinking that it would have scared you but you didn’t really move. I hope it was because you were so tired and not your hearing. I know you can hear because tonight while your dad was vacuuming you started screaming. The only way we could finish vacuuming was to hold you or have you help us vacuum. Your dad picked you up and you helped him finish. You started laughing so I think that you thought it was fun. So now I have found two things you hate, the vacuum and the sewing machine.
