Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Weekend Update

We have had a busy few days lately so I have not had a lot of time to write. I have decided that I am no longer going to write everyday. Instead I am going to write at the end of every week. I started running out of things to write since every day is about the same. So now I have a lot to write about.

To start with Wednesday night was a very hard night for all three of us. It started about 10 pm. I heard you start to wake-up so I went upstairs. I thought that I would just feed you and you would go back to sleep. That is not what happened. You started crying really hard and would not stop. I tried everything. I tried to feed you and you would not even eat. Nothing seemed to make you stop crying. Finally I changed your diaper and after that you decided to eat a little. This calmed you down for a little while. After you fell back to sleep you only slept for about an hour and then it was back to crying. I thought maybe your tooth was hurting so I gave you some tylenol. That didn’t help either. You kept crying and crying. I could tell that you were really in pain but I didn’t know what to do for you. I thought maybe it would help if we went downstairs and slept on the couch, this use to work when you were little, it worked for about 30 minutes. After that we moved to floor and we slept there for about another 30 minutes. You started crying really hard again and nothing was helping so I started crying too. I thought it was time to take you to your dad so I could have a break and stop crying. You went downstairs again and we turned on “Finding Nemo”, you seem to like this movie. You were doing better so I left and went to Wal mart at two in the morning to get some baby ibuprofen. When I got home you were asleep on your dad’s chest. I wanted to just leave you there but since we have a small couch your dad decided he could not sleep there with you all night. We woke you up and took you back upstairs. I gave you some ibuprofen, fed you again, and put you back in your bed. By the time your dad and I fell asleep it was 3:30 am. At 6:30 your dad’s alarm clock went off and at 7 you were awake and ready to get out of bed. When I looked in your mouth to see how your tooth was doing I noticed that you had gotten another tooth on the bottom. I called the doctor to see what I could do to make you feel better. She told me that it sounded like your molars were coming down. She told me that a lot of the time when molars come down you can get the same symptoms as a cold. You had been coughing and had a runny nose all week so I thought you just had a cold but maybe you were getting you molars. She told me some things to get to help you so I went to Walgreens and got some more medicine for you.

Your Nana and Papa got here on Thursday and then Friday we all went over to the coast for well needed vacation time. I was a little scared that you would not sleep while we were over there but you did pretty well. Friday night you had to sleep in our bed with us but Saturday night you slept all night in your bed. We had a lot of fun at the ocean. It rained the whole time we were there so we didn’t get to go down to the water and play in the sand. I am looking forward to going back over there in the summer so we can all play in the water and sand together. Saturday morning while we were in the condo you were doing your usual crawling on your tummy, then I noticed that you were trying to crawl on your hands and knees. I watched you for a little while and you started crawling under the table. You really picked it up fast. The rest of the day you were crawling all a round the condo and getting into everything. It was pretty cool to be able to see you learn how to crawl. Your dad and I were hoping that you would learn how by Thanksgiving and you did!
We went out to dinner on Saturday night and you did so well. You loved eating my french fries and your Nana’s rice. You wanted to eat our food more then you wanted to eat your baby food. I think that you got really full and that is why you slept so well that night. I need to find more foods that you can feed to yourself, I think you like it better than me feeding it to you. We woke-up early Sunday morning and watched the ocean for awhile and then came back home. You slept the whole way home in the car and slept much better that night too. I think that you are starting to feel better. I’m not really looking forward to when your molars break through but at least I will know what to do to help you.


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