Monday, November 07, 2005

Start your engines, Get set, GO!

You are really starting to get crawling down. It started last night and then all day today you were crawling around the house. You still are not very good at it and it takes you a while to get where you want to go, but you can crawl. You are so funny because you get up on all fours and then up on your toes. From there you try to crawl. Then it’s back to all fours so you can take a few steps and then rest on your tummy. I just know in the next few days you are going to get the hang of it. You also said a new word today. You tried to bite me and I said “no biting” you looked at me and started saying “”. I couldn’t believe it. Then when you were sitting in your highchair you looked at me and said “mama,mama”. You have said moma before but it was not as clear as it was today. It was almost as if you were calling out to me because you couldn’t see me. So now you can say three words; mama, dada, and no. Only a matter of time before you will be speaking full sentences, yeah right.
You were so funny in the bath tonight too. You love the bath. You get so excited when we walk into the bathroom. You start saying “ba,ba,ba” and I think that means bath but I am not sure. You were crazy tonight though. You were splashing, kicking your feet and trying to throw yourself backwards. At one point you got so out of control that you bonked your head on the tub. I thought you were going to start crying but instead you started laughing, so your dad and I started laughing too. I hope that you like the water as much as you do now so next summer we can all go swimming. We are going to have to get you a new kiddy pool for summer. We use to have one put it got left outside and got wrecked. We will have so much fun next summer. You will be old enough to go to the zoo and play in the pool. You played in the pool a little bit this summer but you were not sure you liked it. I think you didn’t like how cold the water was. Maybe next summer we will have to heat the water up for you.
This winter will also be fun for you. I hope that it snows in Idaho so you can play in your first snow. You probably will not like it because you don’t seem to like cold things but maybe you will. It will also be your first Christmas, yeah!!!! I bet you will get lots of toys! We are going to have to get a bigger house for all your stuff. Someday we will have a bigger place but for now this tiny little apartment is home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Owen don't let your mom make you do push-ups. Also Grandpa and Grandma are so proud of you for learning how to crawl and talk. We can't wait tell you can say Grandpa and Grandma. We LOVE YOU ALOT and MISS YOU all the way to our house and back

7:59 PM  

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