Sunday, November 06, 2005


Today is Sunday and a day for family. Although we did not do much we were all home together and enjoyed the day. You slept in until 9 am which was really nice since your dad and I both were up late. Even though your dad needed to get early and study today we let me sleep in and he brought you downstairs to play. I could hear you laughing while I was lying in bed. You have to best little laugh I love it. Every time I hear you laugh it makes me laugh. You laugh at a lot of things so that means we laugh a lot together. You are starting to get better, I think it is going to be gone in a few more days. You still look like you don’t feel great. I can always tell how you feel by looking at your eyes. If you are tired, sad, or under the weather your eyes tell it all. I can hear you upstairs right now starting to wake-up to be feed. I love to feed you and hold you at night. My favorite is after I am done feeding you I pick you up and you put your head down on my shoulder and fall asleep. Some nights I lay there for awhile and let you sleep. It is the best feeling ever. I can’t wait for the day when you can run up to me, through your arms around me and give me a big hug. Sometimes I try to make you give me hugs now but it is not the same. You use to love to give kisses but lately you have been to interested in everything going on around you that you don’t have time for kisses. We still kiss you all the time.
Tonight we were all in the living room together and you were down on the ground. You have been trying to crawl but haven’t got it down completely. Mostly you scoot or roll. You are good at getting where you want to be. Tonight though you crawled for the first time. It was a little funny looking but it was crawling. We tried to videotape it but you didn’t do it as well as the first time. I think the problem was because you were already where you wanted to be, at the toy box, and we took you away from it. Sometimes you throw little fits when you get something taken away from you that you like. The first time you ever did this was once when you had the TV controller. I wanted to change the channel so I took it from you. You started screaming and reaching for the controller. When I finally gave it back to you, you stopped. The next time was even sadder because you put your head down on your chest and started to cry. I didn’t give in this time because it was my cell phone that you had and I didn’t want you to wreck it. So I had to try and entertain you with other toys, like the controller.
You did another cute thing tonight. Your dad had put you on the footstool and was telling you to make it rock. You started moving your hips and got it to rocking. You thought this was pretty fun because when he took you off you wanted back on. This time when he put you on it you really started rocking, you had a huge smile on your face the whole time. We also video taped this, so one day you can watch it and probably think to yourself “why did they tape this”. Well the answer is because you are so darn cute and we think everything you do is cute. We love you little pumpkin face.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Owen I always told people that I would have great looking grandkids because of their great looking parents. I guess you proved me right.

8:08 PM  

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